

COCA COLA HEADQUARTER: The idea of the coca cola headquarter comes from the moment that cola rush out of the bottle when you shake it! Then the cola will spurt everywhere around itself  and the place has cola will become very sticky when it dry if you don't clean it in time. It is to show its power of dominate to cover and control whatever it can touch.
BRIDGE OVERVIEW: Two huge diamonds makes this bridge. And numerous wireropes supports the bridge body to show the power. 

FACEBOOK HEADQUARTER:The idea of facebook headquarter is come from his dominate power in the social network. It exists in almost every website, such as every video in YOUTUBE......The headquarter has very exaggerating and postmodernism components to show the facebook existing in the whole planet and its dominate in his field.
MEETING SPACE: Parts of the meeting space are hidden underground to show the potential power.  

