The new Electroliquid Aggregation is combined with the ideas:Abstract Symbolism and Phenomenolgy. The new concept of this electroliquid aggregation is Fusion. Architect Kisho Kurokawa said:Each one has its own identity. Each of my children has my DNA and their identity is in place. when different things combine together,they create a new identity with fusing 2 thing DNA. The electroliquid aggregation combine the idea of abstract with the monument made up with different directions and indiscipline sharps rectangular prisms and the idea of phenomenolgy made up with a compressed rectangular prism which has changed space in the middle. The two different ideas link by a large platform. They fuse while keep their own space and create more new different space and perfect itself.
This idea of monument is Phenomenolgy from the architect Steven Holl. The changing space encloses by a compressed rectangular prism. But it is better to show the main part in the middle. When people walk around the whole monument.The change of the space from walking below the compressed prism,in the prism and on the prism gives people a distinctive psychological feeling.
The other one is created by the idea of Abstract Symbolism from the Japanese architect Kisko Kurokawa. Totally different 5 rectangular prism combine in different locations and directions.
The significant part of the left above image show 3 flat platforms, especially the below larger one. It stands for a open and positive culture. The below image in the left is the opposite view of this monument. In the left corner of this image.There are some narrow space, like Pyramids or steps you can walk up.That stands for another culture as well. The expression of this monument absorb different meanings in different views to be created to show its Symbolism.
The significant part of the left above image show 3 flat platforms, especially the below larger one. It stands for a open and positive culture. The below image in the left is the opposite view of this monument. In the left corner of this image.There are some narrow space, like Pyramids or steps you can walk up.That stands for another culture as well. The expression of this monument absorb different meanings in different views to be created to show its Symbolism.